Preparation for intermittent fasting - Ask CashWalker anything #2

How do I prepare for the intermittent fasting? 

1) How many days do I need to prepare? In other words, how many days before the fasting to start do I prepare? 

2) How many days do I safely plan to fast, let's call it the fasting period?

3) What food do I need during the non- fasting hours? Let say if I go for a 16/8 schedule, what food is appropriate to eat during 8 hours of eating time? 

4) Are there any caucious steps to go through before and after the fasting period? 

Preparation for intermittent fasting - Ask CashWalker anything #2

I downloaded this table from the Internet and uploaded it here as a reference or a guide to prepare for the intermittent fasting:

Preparation for intermittent fasting - Ask CashWalker anything #2



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Informe Preparation for intermittent fasting - Ask CashWalker anything #2

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