TONGATE Compatible with Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Case

TONGATE Compatible with Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Case

Just found a perfect case for s24ultra phone that I had obtained recently.


I usually had bought bumpers and light cases for my phones. But realized that for the most of times when I damaged my phone by dropping them on the ground, It was  dropped them on screen side and there was no protection which got provided by the case.


This case contains tempered screen for the front of the phone and it is very reliable. Now I don't need to worry about getting damages on the screen.


And I don't need to spend extra to purchase front protection glass separately.


This case also has moveable shield as you can see on the picture, for camera lens on the back too so if they are not in use, you can just close it and they will be protected.


Regular price for this case was about 30-40$ but the vendor does more than half sales from time to time so you may need to spend less than 20$ like me if you can grab the chance.



Escritor Krod Draft

Informe TONGATE Compatible with Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra Case

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