Too much sugar *MINGLE WITH CASHWALK #18* DAY 8

How healthy could it be?


Yesterday I bought some cereals at the supermarket to have for breakfast. I have been waiting for a long time for these specific cereals to be on sale and finally the day had come. 


Today I woke up earlier than usual on a day that I had to start late for work. I grabbed my usual cereal small bowl, open the pack of cereals that I bought yesterday, put them in a bowl. Then I added blueberry Alpro vegan yogurt, a few blueberries, a few blackberries and a sprinkle of chia seeds on top.

Woke up with the wrong foot


How could it go wrong with that healthy breakfast? 


Well! The cereal that were on the bottom layer of my quintessential super breakfast bowl were pretty sweet. To make it worse, they were addictive. After the famous multi vitamins and multi layer bowl was over, I grabbed the box of cereals and added more in the bowl. I did that a few times, I couldn't stop until I said to myself: what the hell am I doing? Stop right now!!!


I feel no good


Those cereals were really far too sweet. OMG! Throughout the day I could feel the sugar inside my mouth. It is 11:11 PM and I am still feeling it 13 hours later!!! 


What did I do wrong? I hardly had lunch at work with a tuna salad and a tiny bit of "Kimchi Bokkum Bap" aka "Kimchi Fried Rice". A simple Korean delicacy. 


I am now here complaining about my breakfast. Never and never again I will allow that sweet and evil cereals to take over my day again. N

ever and Never!!!


Escritor Damien Nana

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