Paris Olympics

I don't get why people get so excited about the Olympics. I also don't care why. 


I just cannot get myself excited, or even moderately interested in watching any if the events.


Honestly, the best thing about the Olympics is that they're not in my city. Better, they're not even in my country.


And on top of all that, I'm sure I'll have to put up with conversations and comments about all this stuff that I just don't care about.

Paris Olympics


Escritor Doug Salomon

Informe Paris Olympics

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  • Blasfemias/comentarios despectivos
  • obscenidad
  • Publicaciones de contenido promocional y fondos de pantalla.
  • Exposición de información personal
  • Calumniar a una persona específica
  • etc.

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Puede que estés en desventaja.