Not Happy with this app!

I just noticed that for no reason at all I am missing 1,000 coins! What happened to them? It shows under my profile that totally I've received over 4,000 coins, nearly 5,000 and now it shows less than 4,000!? Now we all know there aren't any rewards for 1,000 coins so where did they go to? I'm just about done with this app because it doesn't count as rapidly or accurately as my Apple Watch does. 🫤


Escritor jeri jones

Informe Not Happy with this app!

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  • Blasfemias/comentarios despectivos
  • obscenidad
  • Publicaciones de contenido promocional y fondos de pantalla.
  • Exposición de información personal
  • Calumniar a una persona específica
  • etc.

En caso de informes falsos, pueden aplicarse restricciones en el uso del servicio.
Puede que estés en desventaja.