Since every time TFG opens his mouth we are covered in a steaming pile of his mendacity, I suggest he change his name again. Someone present it to him as a good thing. It starts with 'men' and rhymes with audacity so tell him it appeals to men who speak their minds. Which will end up being true cuz TFG's supporters are not exactly known for their smart brains ~points to head.
Escritor Erin Neise
Informe 21.4 - if trump were a noun...
Seleccionar motivo
- Blasfemias/comentarios despectivos
- obscenidad
- Publicaciones de contenido promocional y fondos de pantalla.
- Exposición de información personal
- Calumniar a una persona específica
- etc.
En caso de informes falsos, pueden aplicarse restricciones en el uso del servicio.
Puede que estés en desventaja.