High bar&low bar squat routines


High bar&low bar squat routines1. **High Bar Squat**: Position the barbell high on the traps, just below the neck, to keep the torso more upright and emphasize quadriceps engagement. Maintain a narrower stance with feet pointing slightly outwards, and focus on pushing the knees forward during the descent. Keep the chest up and look straight ahead to maintain a neutral spine. Aim to sit straight down into the squat rather than pushing the hips back excessively. Ensure full depth by squatting until the hip crease is below the knee.


2. **Low Bar Squat**: Position the barbell lower on the back, across the rear deltoids, to allow for greater hip involvement and a stronger posterior chain focus. Use a wider stance with toes pointing outwards, and initiate the movement by pushing the hips back while bending the knees. Lean forward slightly while maintaining a tight core to handle the heavier load effectively. Engage the entire back to stabilize the bar and prevent it from rolling. Keep the weight on the mid-foot and drive through the heels to stand back up.



Escritor Sally Cha

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