Amazon products that make life easier: CAGIWIRU Air Duster with Air Blower
Compressed Air Duster with Air Blower


It's a very handy little air buster and a small vacuum. 

I use it to suck up little crumbs on my keyboard and other small areas in the house. 

It has 3 modes including Low-consume Mode, Regular Mode and Powerful Mode for different usages depending on your needs. Usually low consume mode is already good enough for my usage. 

It's wireless so you can take it with you to anywhere. I also use it for my car, computer and my work place. It has a usb charging, it charged pretty quick and each charge can last for a long time. 


Amazon products that make life easier: CAGIWIRU Air Duster with Air Blower Amazon products that make life easier: CAGIWIRU Air Duster with Air Blower Amazon products that make life easier: CAGIWIRU Air Duster with Air Blower


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