#6 Amazon OTP


I love how convenient to buy on Amazon and the product arrived the next day. But I purchased a $1xx boots recently. The delivery driver asked me for a One time passcode?! I through it's a scam at the beginning and cut off the call. Then I search on Google and it is legit.


Yes. They make sure you receive your parcel and reduce it got stolen. But how can I just sit at home whole day and wait for the delivery driver to come and give him/her the OTP?! 


#6 Amazon OTP


Écrivain Scarlet

Rapport #6 Amazon OTP

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  • Grossièretés/remarques désobligeantes
  • obscénité
  • Contenu promotionnel et articles de fond d'écran
  • Exposition d’informations personnelles
  • Calomnier une personne en particulier
  • etc.

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