Would you rather solve world hunger 🌍or global warming?🔥🐻‍❄😰


I think I would rather solve world hunger - there's something so fundamental and heartbreaking about people struggling to access basic nutrition, and I believe that ensuring everyone has enough food would have a profound impact on global health and happiness.🙏 While global warming is a critical issue, I feel like solving hunger would have a more immediate and tangible effect on people's daily lives.🧒👧 Plus, I imagine that a world where everyone has enough to eat would be more equipped to tackle the complex challenges of climate change.😊 By addressing hunger, I believe we would be building a stronger, more resilient foundation for a brighter future.😇🌍🙏

Would you rather solve world hunger 🌍or global warming?🔥🐻‍❄😰


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