Would u rather be in a zombie apocalypse🟩💚 or a robot apocalypse?🤖🤍


I think I would rather be in a zombie apocalypse - at least then I'd have a chance to fight back and protect myself with some basic weapons and survival skills.💪 A robot apocalypse, on the other hand, feels like it would be a more hopeless scenario, with machines that are smarter, faster, and more resilient than humans.🤖👀 Plus, there's something more relatable and human about fighting against reanimated corpses than against soulless machines. 😬In a zombie apocalypse, I'd have a chance to band together with other survivors and try to rebuild society, whereas a robot uprising feels like it would be a more solitary and desperate fight.😧

Would u rather be in a zombie apocalypse🟩💚 or a robot apocalypse?🤖🤍


Écrivain Ari

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