App issue. Won't let redeem

Please fix. 


When I try to redeem , it asks to enter phone #. Once done so, it says this # is verified. Then it clears screen and basically asks the same thing each time you try to redeem a gift card. 



I will be rating this Very VERY poorly is this doesn't get fixed. You collected my data and everything there is to know about me when I downloaded this app, you've tracked my locations/"miles" 



So you basically know that I am an Amazon driver and I do WAAAY over the DAILY steps than most people do in a WEEK. 


please fix. I have hope in humanity, but if this doesn't get fixed I will be posting videos , reviews and I will share on my social media and my friends social media, millions of viewers all together will known about your app. 


I hope in a good way, I hope to leave a Good review, but in order to do that , please fix app!!!






Écrivain Anna

Rapport App issue. Won't let redeem

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