What am I tolerating?


We tolerate too much. We’re taught to be tough, indifferent, and tolerant. But all the things that get on your nerves take their toll after a while. You are the only person that’s going to consistently have your best interests at heart. What are you tolerating?


● Bad relationship?


● A stove with a broken burner?


● A dead bush in front of your house?


● A terrible boss?


● An extra 30 pounds?


Écrivain Purple

Rapport What am I tolerating?

Sélectionnez la raison
  • Grossièretés/remarques désobligeantes
  • obscénité
  • Contenu promotionnel et articles de fond d'écran
  • Exposition d’informations personnelles
  • Calomnier une personne en particulier
  • etc.

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