Japanese proverb 4


aite no nai kenka wa dekinai

Translation: “You can’t fight without an opponent.”


This Japanese saying means that you cannot have an argument or fight without someone to argue or fight with. 


A lot of Japanese people avoid conflicts, so this Japanese saying is often used to prevent arguments from happening. 


This is like the English saying "it takes 2 to tango". I have been yelled at by people for 30 minutes while I said nothing. This feels like a fight even though I'm not fighting. So, I never really liked this saying.


Écrivain rebecca lupinacci

Rapport Japanese proverb 4

Sélectionnez la raison
  • Grossièretés/remarques désobligeantes
  • obscénité
  • Contenu promotionnel et articles de fond d'écran
  • Exposition d’informations personnelles
  • Calomnier une personne en particulier
  • etc.

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