What pens would you use😊?❤🧡💛💚💙💜💗🖤


I would choose pens number 7 because the vibrant yellow color is not only one of my favorite hues, but it also evokes feelings of happiness and optimism, making writing and creating a more enjoyable experience.✍🟡 The bright yellow pens would add a pop of color to my workspace and inspire me to think creatively and positively.💛🌟✨ Additionally, the cheerful color would make the pens easy to spot in my bag or on my desk, ensuring I always have one handy when I need it.🖋😊      what about you??🤗

What pens would you use😊?❤🧡💛💚💙💜💗🖤


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Rapport What pens would you use😊?❤🧡💛💚💙💜💗🖤

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