19.3 - different reader classifications


Apparently readers can be called a lot of things. Here are a few different ones I discovered:


bookworm - someone who spends a lot of time reading and is often seen as very studious and intellectual


bibliophile - someone who loves books and reading and collects books; may have a large or specialized book collection


lectiophile - (from Latin) one who loves to read


librocubicularist - fancy word for someone who reads in bed


19.3 - different reader classifications


Écrivain Erin Neise

Rapport 19.3 - different reader classifications

Sélectionnez la raison
  • Grossièretés/remarques désobligeantes
  • obscénité
  • Contenu promotionnel et articles de fond d'écran
  • Exposition d’informations personnelles
  • Calomnier une personne en particulier
  • etc.

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