Best way to cure the craving of soda

I struggle with this issue myself first off you're not alone next I will show you the steps on how to cure this craving and how to do it more healthy if you do end up having a carbonated drink that is not soda


first, buy your favorite sparkling water brand make sure 0 cal with healthy ingredients which most of them are


next, buy your favorite syrup flavor, such as preservatives of fruits like peach, strawberry, or kiwi.


although syrup does contain sugar, it will limit the amount of sugar intake since sugar is all in soda and soda is full of sugar


Adding syrup to carbonated water is a good way to limit calories and decrease sugar intake


first off one cup of carbonated soda means 1 1/2 tablespoons about a normal size spoon in your kitchen of syrup flavor


Squeeze a force of a lemon or lime into the drink to make it more flavorful serve with ice or chilled.



Created a carbonated drink with less than 120 cal per serving!


Écrivain Alex Nguyen

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