Dog🐕 OR Cat🐈 Crotchets?🥰

I have to say, I prefer dog crochet amigurumi over cat ones - there's something about the cute, cuddly, and often goofy expressions on the dog ones that win me over.😭❤ I think it's because dogs have such unique and varied features, like floppy ears and wagging tails, that translate so well to crochet.💖 Cat amigurumi are adorable too, but there's just something about the dog ones that seems more endearing and playful.🐶🐶 Plus, dog crochet amigurumi often seem to capture the personality and spirit of our furry friends in a way that feels really special!💕🐶

Dog🐕 OR Cat🐈 Crotchets?🥰


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