Mingle day 1


For Mingle Challenge I will post everyday a workout I like. 

My name is Rosaria, I'm from Italy and I like moving and doing CrossFit.


Today I suggest a total body burner using a dumbbell and a jump rope  

It will last 20 minutes and you have to complet as many reps as possible (AMRAP) in this period. 


20' AMRAP 

50 single under (jump rope)

10 goblet squats 

10 dumbbell press per side

10 one dumbbell triceps extensions (skull crasher while standing)


For any question about the exersices you can ask me in the comment or you can google terms if you are shy.


Hope you like it. 

Let me know in the comments.

Thank you 


Écrivain Rosaria Ricciardi

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