Hey, if you like making money, then I have the right app for you. This app is called receiptjar and all you have to do is download the app and use this code: BRANE4JDK Then you get 2000 points towards a gift card. Just scan your receipts and you'll get points to redeem for a gift card from many different retailers.
Penulis Branden Ermshar
Laporan Scan receipts
Pilih Alasan
- Kata-kata kotor/meremehkan
- kecabulan
- Konten promosi dan postingan wallpaper
- Paparan informasi pribadi
- Memfitnah orang tertentu
- dll.
Jika ada laporan palsu, pembatasan penggunaan layanan mungkin berlaku.
Anda mungkin dirugikan.