Hi Guys!
What are you plans for tomorrow / today if you have only just woken up.
It is almost midnight for me, I am off to sleep soon! I have booked myself & my dad in for a pedicure tomorrow afternoon, I help care for my dad with my mum & he really needs his feet tending too so we are going to have a father daughter afternoon together.
Penulis Chlo
Laporan #21 Plans for tomorrow.
Pilih Alasan
- Kata-kata kotor/meremehkan
- kecabulan
- Konten promosi dan postingan wallpaper
- Paparan informasi pribadi
- Memfitnah orang tertentu
- dll.
Jika ada laporan palsu, pembatasan penggunaan layanan mungkin berlaku.
Anda mungkin dirugikan.