M12 steps I didn't count on


9000 steps by 11 a.m. not impossible obviously but not something I planned on. My mom needed me to go to Walgreens for her,  which isn't far , so I decided to walk.  I did a big circle to drop a house key off to my granddaughter that she forgot. So I get to Walgreens and I go to get my wallet out and it's not there.  😲 so I jog back to my mother's 1st bc I was pretty sure it was there and luckily it was but I'm like, nope not going back out now , so gave myself a half hr break then walked back and bam 9k steps done oh well could've been worse


Penulis Mauricio T Temiquel

Laporan M12 steps I didn't count on

Pilih Alasan
  • Kata-kata kotor/meremehkan
  • kecabulan
  • Konten promosi dan postingan wallpaper
  • Paparan informasi pribadi
  • Memfitnah orang tertentu
  • dll.

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