Aligning your plans

This morning, I  thought I was going to the gym after I dropped off the fellowship meal at a ministry our church supprts. I had never been there before but it meets two blocks from the gym. I wound up staying for the service instead and was blessed with a great message and an unexpected reunion with several people I had met at one time or another in our town.  A few were " I wonder what ever happened to..." kind of people.  We ate together and now I will go to the gym. It wasn't the day I planned. Lol. God is Good. 


Penulis Monica Paire

Laporan Aligning your plans

Pilih Alasan
  • Kata-kata kotor/meremehkan
  • kecabulan
  • Konten promosi dan postingan wallpaper
  • Paparan informasi pribadi
  • Memfitnah orang tertentu
  • dll.

Jika ada laporan palsu, pembatasan penggunaan layanan mungkin berlaku.
Anda mungkin dirugikan.
