Walk n talk m20


Today kids had half a day so I had my oldest granddaughter with me when others were at theater. We walked them to practice then walked the downtown , then crossed the bridge to Wendy's,  got her a frosty and fries then went back. Talking about random things , past events , what ifs and Jr high gossip. She will be a teenager this year and already changing and getting out with friends so I'll take advantage of this time she's still mine


Penulis Mauricio T Temiquel

Laporan Walk n talk m20

Pilih Alasan
  • Kata-kata kotor/meremehkan
  • kecabulan
  • Konten promosi dan postingan wallpaper
  • Paparan informasi pribadi
  • Memfitnah orang tertentu
  • dll.

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