Strawberry coconut vegan ice cream!!!
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Strawberry coconut vegan ice cream
If you have an ice cream maker this is an very easy recipe. And it's so delicious bursting with coconut and strawberry! Here's all the nutritional facts:
Calories: 303kcal
Carbohydrates: 36g
Protein: 2g
Fat: 20g
Saturated Fat: 18g
Sodium: 86mg
Potassium: 266mg
Sugar: 32g
Vitamin C: 18.6mg
Calcium: 22mg
Iron: 3.3mg
It's often difficult to come across vegan foods, I find it easier to make my own. This is the perfect dessert for any meal, highly recommend!!
Penulis Nikki Sirback
Laporan Strawberry coconut vegan ice cream!!!
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