Best Leg Workouts - Friday Routine

Hey y'all!


Did my typical Friday leg workout earlier, it's great but also awful because it's super tiring and makes my leg feels like jelly. But hey, that's what it's all about right?


Here's what I do, all dumbbells because I workout at home in a small space:


Deadlifts - 4 sets, 8-10 reps

Hip thrusts - 4 sets, 8-10 reps

Seated calf raise - 3 sets, 8-12 reps

Reverse lunge - 4 sets, 8-10 reps on each side

Split squat - 3 sets, 8-12 reps on each side

Planks - 3 sets, currently at 41 seconds, increase by 1 second every 10 weeks


Dumbbells pictured, got the adjustable set at Amazon, usually find Wal Mart to be a good place to order more plates without fuss or a high price.Best Leg Workouts - Friday Routine


Penulis Eric J. Nagurney

Laporan Best Leg Workouts - Friday Routine

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