Low calorie fast food from KFC


Here you can find some healthy low calorie options at KFC. I love KFC because it has almost everything, from sides to crispy chicken, and many options are under 400 calories.



Garden Salad


Refreshing garden salad. It includes fresh lettuce, sweet corn, and tomatoes. 


It's a healthy side to any order and keeping the meal low in calories. 


Low calorie fast food from KFC


Nutritional values:


15 calories
0g fat
3g carbohydrates
1g protein










Corn on the Cob



It is a cob of steamed sweet kernel corn, with a sweet and juicy flavor and only 70 calories!




Low calorie fast food from KFC


Nutrition information:


70 Calories
0.5g Fat
17g Carbs
2g Protein




Smashed Potatoes


Low calorie fast food from KFC


Nutritional information for a side dish:


110 calories
3.5g fat
17g carbohydrates
2 g of protein


















Cabbage salad


Low calorie fast food from KFC


The famous classic salad from KFC


Nutritional information:


25 calories
2g fat
7g carbohydrates
2 g of protein



scrittore Jose C

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