Damsel - An action movie from the star of Stranger Things


I would like to do a brief review of a new movie I saw last long weekend on Netflix. 


This is Damsel, a story about a princess and a beast. Initially, it seems like a classic Kingdom story, but it progresses into a live-action film with the main character as a young girl capable of changing her future.


Not bad for a role reversal in a classic film but not too bad apart from the protagonist and the special effects.


If you want to watch it with your children it is not very scary and for my daughter (11) it was interesting to watch a strong female character not only in animated movies.


Like the ad mentions: "This is not a fairytale"


Damsel - An action movie from the star of Stranger Things


scrittore Jose C

Rapporto Damsel - An action movie from the star of Stranger Things

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