Podcast Overload


I used to be a part of a sports team and I would go to practice everyday after work. On my way there, I would listen to podcasts but now that I am not with that team, I am overloaded with podcasts! I have 79 unplayed podcasts! Now that work is calmer, I am trying to make my way through them but I definitely should be more picky with what I download to listen to later. LOL :')


scrittore Freddie Aziz

Rapporto Podcast Overload

Seleziona Motivo
  • Commenti volgari/dispregiativi
  • oscenità
  • Contenuti promozionali e post di sfondi
  • Esposizione delle informazioni personali
  • Calunniare una persona specifica
  • eccetera

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