Too good to be true?!?!?

I've mostly had success and positive experiences on this App. When I download a new game I play to the first level that has a payout and if I get the coins I will keep playing because I figure it is tracking well and will be worth my time. Tonight was really disappointing because I have been playing a game for several weeks and through the first 250 levels I received all the coins. Once you reach 250, the next payout isn't until level 500 and it was supposed to be over 10,000 coins (so basically 10 dollars). Even when the levels got more and more challenging and frustrating I kept playing because I was so close and who doesn't want 10 dollars, right?!?!? Well, tonight I reached level 500 but didn't receive any coins. I did contact the app help chat, so we'll see what happens, but it is discouraging to put so much time in (and watch like a million adds for Royal Match and Credit Karma, lol) then get nothing! Has anyone else had success resolving this type of game issue?


作者 Kristin Cabaniss

報告 Too good to be true?!?!?

  • 悪口/ビハ発言
  • わいせつ
  • プロモーションコンテンツとドバグ
  • 個人情報の露出
  • 特定の誹謗
  • その他

