Amazon products that make life easier...

so, when I first moved into my house, I didn't know a lot about the options for a lot of different things that can make life easier on a day-to-day basis. After living in a home for two years, I am learning what types of things can save me time on a day-to-day basis, that you would've never thought would be a timesaver.  I used to put my extra classic bags inside of the fabric tube that is pictured below, and it was literally hell to get bags in and out of it. Not to mention, you couldn't see what you were grabbing when you were grabbing it, and it was just a very messy and uneasy way to store and reuse the bags. So, I saw this pop-up on Amazon one day and was like wow, where have you been all my life. Lol so, it is inside of my cabinet so  It doesn't take up space in the kitchen anymore and it doesn't need to be mounted with bolts or anything you can use just regular 3M, mounting tape. This specific model came with the mounting components but not all of the options on Amazon come with that so if you were to buy a model that doesn't come with it all you need to do is have three double sided mounting tape.  

here is a direct link to the identical, one that I purchased. There are similar ones to this, but this one was the most practical option, and was the best value for the money out of all of them in my opinion. Amazon products that make life easier...

Amazon products that make life easier...Amazon products that make life easier...  

Amazon products that make life easier...


作者 Dominique

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