A popular series on Netflix features a Designated survivor becoming President of the United States then he struggles in office while learning new concepts of the United States office of the president.
as Congress was destroyed from a bombing, a designated survivor was placed before a meeting and was held in the capitol building with all members of Congress and the government of the US. this series was a really good thriller as it could show how the US Handles the situations as quick as easy. as more suspense built on in the first episode and second and Third, they were trying to figure out who was behind the bombing and what group was the terrorist group who tried ending America. they end up, capturing the wrong person who was a bait.
So far 10/10 for the seiries.
作者 Alex Nguyen
報告 Designated Survivor
- 悪口/ビハ発言
- わいせつ
- プロモーションコンテンツとドバグ
- 個人情報の露出
- 特定の誹謗
- その他