Frequency and time of taking high blood pressure medication - Ask topic #3
조회 34추천 1스크랩 0
I have 2 questions:
A) Prequency issue:
I don't take the medication my doctor prescribed daily. I have 2 ways of taking it when
1) I get a bit of hradache, and
2) I have the blood pressure measurement higher than normal
I heard that to make the medication work, I should take it regularly. Is there any harm if I don't take it regularly? If so, how much in what way?
B) Time issue:
I also heard that during sleeping, blood pressure goes up. So it is good to take the medication before the bed time. Is it true? Or is it different for individuals?
작성자 Yong
신고글 Frequency and time of taking high blood pressure medication - Ask topic #3
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