Who would you bring back to life and why? I would love to see my Grandma again, on Dad's side. I loved her and Grandpa so much. I have so many special and and happy memories of being on their farm. I would help grandpa in the barn when he tended to the cows and help grandma on the other side when she tended to the chickens. She would let me play with her jewelry and other things. She was a pretty good cook. And we had fun out in the old summer house. Those aren't around anymore I don't think but I loved hers. I loved it when I got to spend the night there.
작성자 Mary ALice Blanchard
신고글 Bring back a person
사유 선택
- 욕설/비하 발언
- 음란성
- 홍보성 콘텐츠 및 도배글
- 개인정보 노출
- 특정인 비방
- 기타
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