M3 accidental withdrawal


So my last post was how I started intermittent fasting , well with that and school starting and my son working overtime , which means I go to get his girls and get them ready. So alot of running around in morning and I was not drinking as much diet coke (caffeine) as I had been prior to this new schedule. I think I drank 3 cans by 3 pm and yesterday and today only 1 and my head is border line headache. Groggy and I feel like that is the reason but I'm gonna stick it out and hopefully break this habit and drink more water !


작성자 Mauricio T Temiquel

신고글 M3 accidental withdrawal

사유 선택
  • 욕설/비하 발언
  • 음란성
  • 홍보성 콘텐츠 및 도배글
  • 개인정보 노출
  • 특정인 비방
  • 기타

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