Sherlock Holmes - The Breath of G-d

I've been reading a lot of newer Sherlock Holmes stories. This is the actually the first one that I came across. It's written by Guy Adams.


I wasn't even looking for a Sherlock Holmes book. I was just idly searching on Libby (my book reading app), and though it would be fun to look for books by or about Aleister Crowley. This one vame up in the results.


Yup, in this book Holmes meets Crowley.


The book is a lot of fun and actually has a lot of other occult-based characters, mainly fictional ones from various other authors and literary universes. (TBH, I'd not heard of most of them.)


Anyway - Sherlock Holmes and Aleister Crowley together at last.


작성자 Doug Salomon

신고글 Sherlock Holmes - The Breath of G-d

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  • 음란성
  • 홍보성 콘텐츠 및 도배글
  • 개인정보 노출
  • 특정인 비방
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