A Savor of Scam (M19-5)


Have you experienced a touch of being scammed? I've heard about a new scam of false parking tickets. My experience was a car in my name abandoned in Texas. The caller pretended as a police officer to protect a citizen of his jurisdiction not to get involved in the court battle. 

A Savor of Scam (M19-5)

Those scammers are very innovative and ingenious. He claimed that my identity and financial info were compromised, demanding to deposit "x" amount to "y" account at "z" place immediately before the court issues the legal summons, etc.


We all need to be aware of very creative group of people like this. 


작성자 Yong

신고글 A Savor of Scam (M19-5)

사유 선택
  • 욕설/비하 발언
  • 음란성
  • 홍보성 콘텐츠 및 도배글
  • 개인정보 노출
  • 특정인 비방
  • 기타

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