This day in history

I had things to do, but some notable historical events that happened today (September 20) include:


1933 -  the Pittsburgh Steelers played their debut game in the NFL. They lost to the New York Giants 23-2


1946 -  the first complete International Film Festival at Cannes, France opened. It was originally scheduled in 1939, but was cut short with only 1 Film being shown due to WWII. 21 countries submitted entries with some of the winners being the British comedy Brief Encounter, Best Actor went to Ray Milland in The Lost Weekend and Best Animation Design awarded to Make Mine Music


1962 -  RMS Queen Elizabeth 2 was unveiled from Clydebank, Scotland 


2004 -  Billy Joel received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame


2005 -  164 people named Martha Stewart joined to television set of the show Martha! to break a world record for the number of people with the same first and last name gathered in the same place


2015 -  Game of Thrones received a record-breaking 12 Emmy wins


Something I just learned today is that the first superhero is getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Batman is getting his own star and the committee has decided it will be next to Adam West.


Some interesting birthdays include:


Carleton Ellis (1875) - prolific inventor who patented more than 700 inventions, he also developed margarine

Upton Sinclair (1878)

Jay Ward (1920) - best known for producing animated series featuring Rocky & Bullwinkle, Dudley Do-Right, Peabody and Sherman among others

Dorothy Johnson Vaughan (1910) - best known for her work on the SCOUT Launch Vehicle Program for NASA and featured in the film Hidden Figures

Ruth Richard (1928)

Kristen Johnston (1967) - best known as Sally on Third Rock From the Sun - one of my favorite shows


작성자 Nicole Comstock

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