Just wanted to talk about being lonely, scared, hungry, tired and afraid.


Ya know, this is a scary world we're living in today. People ain't no good. They only have their own personal vendettas at hand.

It's pretty hard to be culturally appropriate when this mere living existence in this world 

is totally bias, non-stop 'round the clock⏰

24/7. If you ask me, it literally is survival of 

the fittest. Some people want love, others only wish to take care of themselves.

Hard to find a partner who truly does show 

that they want to be there for you, and that 

they always try to go above and beyond to pull their weight and show that they care.

Aww well. Maybe I was meant for something else. Or perhaps I was supposed to get it right... Some other time, some other place 😟😔😢


작성자 Patrick Parker

신고글 Just wanted to talk about being lonely, scared, hungry, tired and afraid.

사유 선택
  • 욕설/비하 발언
  • 음란성
  • 홍보성 콘텐츠 및 도배글
  • 개인정보 노출
  • 특정인 비방
  • 기타

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