If you want to eat fast food without going overboard with calories, there are definitely options!
The lowest calorie item I found is the green salad - at only 106 kcal!
But surprisingly, a portion of 4 chicken nuggets is not too far either - 175kcal.
The small fries, unfortunately, are already over 200kcal, and precisely 229kcal. The small strawberry milkshake is close at 243kcal, just above the McToast at 234 kcal.
Whereas for burgers, the lowest calorie item you can find is the plain small hamburger at 306 kcal.
In general, remember that regardless of calories, unprocessed food is always better for our health.
작성자 Laura Morelli
신고글 Low calorie fast food - McDonalds review
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