Review of Ben and Jerry’s non dairy ice cream menus

Brand name: Ben and Jerry, non dairy Cherry Garcia and 940 calories per container (pint)


It has nut tastes in the ice cream because it is oat milk based. Not too nutty but just enough. 

This selection had cherry and chips of chocolates in it. I prefer without chocolates. It would have more neat flavors if it only has cherries. 


Of course I am used to regular Ice cream so I wouldn't choose this ice cream over my favorite one but it would be a next option to choose if i have problem with lactose.

It was $7.49 at the Albertsons market, and it was regular price.Review of Ben and Jerry’s non dairy ice cream menusReview of Ben and Jerry’s non dairy ice cream menusReview of Ben and Jerry’s non dairy ice cream menusReview of Ben and Jerry’s non dairy ice cream menus


작성자 Jeeyeon Kang

신고글 Review of Ben and Jerry’s non dairy ice cream menus

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