Best vegan Ice-cream

Vegan Hazelnut Coffee Ice Cream Recipe

1 ¼ cups water

1 cup freshly ground coffee beans

1 cup hazelnuts, skinned

1 ¼ cup water

1 cup + 2 Tablespoons sugar

3 Tablespoons canola oil

2 Tablespoons arrowroot flour or tapioca flour

1/8 teaspoon guar gum

1 pinch salt

1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1) Prepare the coffee

Make coffee from the water and ground coffee beans via your preferred method and set aside. The French Press method is recommended.

2) Prepare the hazelnuts

Skin the hazelnuts if you haven't done so already.

3) Soften the hazelnuts

In a medium saucepan add the hazelnuts and water. Bring the mixture to a simmer, covered for 15 minutes so the hazelnuts soften.

4) Whisk together the base ingredients over heat, then cool

Add the sugar, canola oil, arrowroot powder, guar gum and salt. Bring the mixture back to a simmer then remove from heat while whisking constantly to ensure the sugar is completely dissolved. Whisk in the coffee. Transfer to a covered container and place in the refrigerator to cool for about two hours.

5) Blend the ice cream mixture

Transfer the mixure to a blender and add the vanilla extract and apple cider vinegar. Whip the mixture for 3 minutes.

6) Process in an ice cream maker

Mix in an ice cream maker for about 30 minutes.

7) Harden the vegan ice cream

Transfer to a covered container and put it in the freezer for 3 hours. Enjoy. This recipe makes about 1 quart of Vegan Hazelnut Coffee Ice Cream.Best vegan Ice-cream












작성자 Tejaswini Dusawar

신고글 Best vegan Ice-cream

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