I recommend ringfit. This is a game you can play on Nintendo switch.
To be honest, I don't enjoy exercise and this game made me move.
If you're having difficulty with exercise, this is a fun and great way to get you started.
Sometimes it made me irritated when the monster won't die 😂 because that means you have to do more exercise to kill it.
Even if you finished the level, there are extra levels. On top of that, there are mini games. So you don't run out of exercise game.
I finished all the levels and now I'm on the extra level.
작성자 Jessica P
신고글 Game recommendations.
사유 선택
- 욕설/비하 발언
- 음란성
- 홍보성 콘텐츠 및 도배글
- 개인정보 노출
- 특정인 비방
- 기타
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