CashWalk app's crashes still and still... : it doesn't convert steps into coins...(Join Mingle with Cashwalk event #6 - Post 5)

CashWalk app's crashes still and still (already and always unlocked screenlock, etc.)... : it doesn't convert steps into coins ; credit me coins not converted from steps...(at least all due 100 coins not converted from more than 10,000 steps taken today 18/02/2024, and also, at least all due 150 coins not converted from more than 15,000 steps taken on 10/02/2024, etc.). Thanks in advance.


작성자 guido passero

신고글 CashWalk app's crashes still and still... : it doesn't convert steps into coins...(Join Mingle with Cashwalk event #6 - Post 5)

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  • 특정인 비방
  • 기타

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