Netflix Review 'Fool Me Once'...Hold onto you seats! You are in for a ride!

Netflix Review 'Fool Me Once'...Hold onto you seats!  You are in for a ride!

I think I posted this in the wrong place first, so here is my next try...


I watched the entirety of the series in two nights.  'Fool Me Once' grabs you from the very first episode!  Try as you may, you will never figure out what he twists and turns headed your way.  I'm not going to give the story line away but I will give you a brief glimpse into what it's about.  

The star actress buries her husband, or she thinks she does, Maybe she did, maybe she didn't.   After watching the nanny cam in her daughters room, she sees her husband in video recording...or does she?   

There are secrets revealed that you never see coming!  Once you start watching, you can't NOT watch the next episode!  Just when you think you see the direction this series is headed, BOOM!  It blows up your theory again.  

I see why this was suggested in the top 10 series for the week on my app!  It will keep you guess right until the credits roll!  


작성자 Angela Oelschlaeger

신고글 Netflix Review 'Fool Me Once'...Hold onto you seats! You are in for a ride!

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