"Community" on Netflix review


I recently rewatch Ed the series "Community" on Netflix. I had watched it through previous but my wife never saw it so I introduced it to her. 


Overall, "Community" is one of my favorite comedy shows on Netflix right now. The lack of a laugh track makes the jokes stand out, as I always find laugh tracks distracting.


One of the strongest aspects of "Community" is its cast. The ensemble all know their role in the group and play off each other so well. While sometimes the writers change up the character's personalities a bit (like Britta in the later seasons), they all play a clear role.


The later seasons a little disappointing compared to how strong the first three seasons are, but there are some gems within the chaff. 


All in all, of you're looking for a new comedy to binge, check out "Community".


작성자 Michael G Wirth

신고글 "Community" on Netflix review

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