Hunting at Roadside IV #11

Hunting at Roadside IV #11

Foxgloves (Digitalis purpurea) are biennials. They bloom from early to midsummer. Lovely flowers rise from a basal rosette of downy, oblong, deep green leaves. But their beauty masks a sinister truth — they're poisonous as all get-out. Foxglove can cause irregular heart function and death. 


As foxgloves are extremely toxic.  All parts of the plant are considered toxic, including the foxglove leaves and even the water that it sits in. It can be absorbed through the skin so that you should always wash your hands thoroughly after handling seeds or any other part of the plant, or wear gloves.


작성자 Blanche Ho

신고글 Hunting at Roadside IV #11

사유 선택
  • 욕설/비하 발언
  • 음란성
  • 홍보성 콘텐츠 및 도배글
  • 개인정보 노출
  • 특정인 비방
  • 기타

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