Yesterday was rest for Sunday.
Today's workout is the following
Grab two dumbbells (d-db) weight of your choice (medium, for upper arm)
If you have a TRX or similar or rings you can use it/them for you workout today.
5 rounds
4x50 m sprint
12 push ups
4x50 m sprint
12 ring rows/double dumbbells rows per side
4x50 m sprint
12 double dumbbells press
2' rest between each round
Let me know if you try it
작성자 Rosaria Ricciardi
신고글 Mingle day #5
사유 선택
- 욕설/비하 발언
- 음란성
- 홍보성 콘텐츠 및 도배글
- 개인정보 노출
- 특정인 비방
- 기타
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불이익을 받으실 수 있습니다.