Best abs workout

Best abs workout

Youtube: XHIT Daily 


Her name is Rebecca Louise, and this video is uploaded 10 years ago.


I've been doing this one as well after "Miley Cyrus leg workout" since last week. I try to stick with the workouts as a new routine.




Best abs workout


Here are the 9 moves. Each move is quick and works really well. 


If you're a beginner, you can bend your legs or adjust your range of motion or perform the moves for shorter time because it can be intense for workout newbies. 




Best abs workout


Ahhhhh!! This is the hardest one for me. You'll need to stay like that until the next movement. 😱 So, I take a short break and come back. 



Honestly, I'm a big eater, so cannot really say I can see the size difference. However, this exercise makes me feel accomplished! 


작성자 Jouiee Luah

신고글 Best abs workout

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