Workout Tips #5 : Best Booty Workouts

Workout Tips #5 : Best Booty Workouts

One of the activities I do is Lateral Lunge with Burpee Walkout


This exercise requires mobility, stability, strength, and coordination 


You must start standing, feet hips width-distance apart. With your right foot, step to the side, bending your knee and pushing your glutes back into a lateral lunge. 


You have to keep your knees over your toes 


Then, engage your glutes to push off your right foot and return to standing 


With your weight in your heels, bend your knees and engage your glutes to squat down, lowering your hands to the ground 


Then plant your hands, then walk your feet backwards until you are in a plank position 


Finally walk your feet back up to meet your hands, and engage your glutes to return to standing 


You have to repeat on opposite side. Continue for 45 seconds and tell me how it goes for you


작성자 Pamela Cubas

신고글 Workout Tips #5 : Best Booty Workouts

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